“No, I’m romantic—a sentimental person thinks things will last—a romantic person hopes against hope that they won’t.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
So OK, I quit. I know this surprises no one, what coming
from the pie hole of a member of our most disappointing generation -- but trust
me, this needs to be said – because this raw, stuffed naked and in your face
kind of quitting is necessary, and because I’ve been way too nice about it up
to now.
It’s become clear to me that all has been written in the big
book of what must be and it’s time for me to accept and let go. Free will is a
sucker bet for dreamers and the uninformed -- it's just for the hoi polloi on stage,
reading lines in clothed flesh, to an audience that wrote the book they are reading
from, and doesn’t even like them anyway.
What if Trump and his supporters are right? Have you ever
even thought of the possibility that the little shit head of a person is right?
That maybe Trump is the man for our times – the man to lead us away from the
brink of a liberal apocalypse that’s been coming unabated down the road at us
for years? Look around, even as a liberal to the left of Trotsky I can see the
rot of excess all around me – maybe it’s a stopping point to allow us to take a
few giant steps backward in time to clean this place up. Maybe it’s time for a vast burning of the old
ways and old people. Maybe Trump will be known in the future as the leader of
the great renewal.
This feels wrong, deep down wrong, but maybe I’m wrong and
just following things because of how I feel and not how I think. Though to be
honest, it ‘thinks’ wrong much more than it feels wrong. But maybe it’s not
about words – it’s about what is fundamentally right or wrong – the thing we
know in our souls before we act on any impulse or action. Everyone knows simple
right from wrong – and we all choose to deal with it or not.
Again, though, it kind of feels wrong on that basic level as
What is the nature of truth? Is it adversarial and not even
real or verifiable? Is truth just an opinion voiced from a made-up place that’s
constructed outside ourselves just to talk us into shit? Is truth just getting
Colin Powell to say made up shit to liberals to get something you want?
Advertising has been blasting us with fake truth since the
dawn of whatever – we seem to be both fooled by it, and sharpened by it at the
same time – Advertising works, but it makes large portions of us numb and
resentful – and most of us resistant, over time, to believing anything we see – no
matter the pictures or the words that come from the tube.
Like antibiotics and great civilizations, advertising stops
working over time.