A Food and Drug Administration panel said Wednesday that AstraZeneca PLC's (AZN) Seroquel could be used as add-on therapy for patients with depression but said the drug shouldn't be used alone because of concerns about side effects.
The FDA called a meeting of its psychopharmacologic advisory panel to discuss "concerns regarding exposing a greatly expanded population to a drug with known metabolic side effects and a possible risk of tardive dyskinesia," a neurologic disorder that can be caused by drug exposure. The company is facing more than 9,000 lawsuits in the U.S. from people who allege the drug caused various health problems such as diabetes.
This is another schizophrenic drug now approved for severe depression. The public needs to know that these drugs do not have the 'normal' side effects of anti-depressants -- prolonged ejaculation, dry mouth etc.
When you see a crazy man walking down the street weighing a very fat 400 pounds and herking and jerking with semi-uncontrolled limbs and facial drooling with tics -- it's not the crazy that makes him look that way -- it's the drugs. Google 'tartive dyskenesis' for a horror disease that can't be fixed once you get it -- and it's a side effect of Seroquel.
Drug companies cannot make money off of the limited number of truely crazy schizophrenics out there so they are trying to expand the eligible population for this drug. This is the start of a crime against damaged people by a pharmacetuical industry that is out of contol, and the 2nd drug of this class to be approved by what has to be considered a criminal FDA.