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Sweden's Pirates

I have a goal of someday writing a novel, selling it to a publisher, then making a living writing.

Pirate Bay is a file sharing aggregate who takes copyrighted material and allows anyone to download it for free.

I support them with all my heart and wish them the best.

Talk about in congruent behavior -- this is something like cutting off my nose to spite my face.

But there is more to the story.

Copy write protection was seen in the past as a protection for the individual in his lifetime. Information was thought to be a good thing for society, but it was also felt that the person who provided new information should be allowed to live off it as a sort of reward for his hard work. After asutable amount of time it was expected to become free to all. It was felt very strongly that information should be both free and in the public domain as quick as possible.

Copy write law is no longer protection for an individual -- it's a machine to stomp out innovation.

I am still pissed that I can't make doodles out of Micky Mouse because Sonny Bono ran into a tree and died skiing. What purpose or protection is given to Walt Disney for his creation of 80 years ago, and his death one score and ten or so.

A lot of this Pirate Bay crap is being done by dead companies that don't know how to die. When you no longer need to promote, produce or distribute music -- no factories producing Cd's, no trucks deliveringCD's to stores -- no stores, no need for promotion -- what the hell are music companies doing for their money these days? -- Putting lawsuits into dikes and complaining?

And movie companies are just as afraid -- no more expensive film that has to be delivered to thousands of theaters every week.

The model, whether or not you like it, is free. If the Wall Street Journal asks for payment for their intellectual property, people will go somewhere else and, if it's something proprietary to theWST, will find it, in full, with a couple of extra clicks.

The model is free -- the trick is to figure out how to make a living. Hint -- google Craigslist to see how they do it.


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