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Formal announcement of the opening of my campaign for the MacArthur Fellowship

“If not me, who? If not now when?”
Mike Brady 2009

Q. What is the MacArthur Fellowship?
A. The MacArthur Fellowship is a five-year grant to individuals who show exceptional creativity in their work and the prospect for still more in the future. The fellowship is designed to provide recipients with the flexibility to pursue their creative activities in the absence of specific obligations or reporting requirements. There are no limits on age or area of activity. Individuals cannot apply for this award; they must be nominated.

Q. What are the selection criteria?
A. The selection decisions focus primarily on exceptional creativity, as demonstrated through a track record of significant achievement, and manifest promise for important future advances. Emphasis is placed on nominees for whom our support would relieve limitations that inhibit them from pursuing their most innovative ideas.
Recipients must also be citizens or residents of the United States and must not hold elective office or advanced positions in government as defined by statute.

Q. What do the recipients receive?
A. The stipend for the MacArthur Fellowship is currently set at $500,000, paid in quarterly installments over five years.

Q. Why are no strings attached?
A. The MacArthur Fellowship is designed to provide seed money for intellectual, social, and artistic endeavors. We believe that highly motivated, self-directed, and talented people are in the best position to decide how to allocate their time and resources. By adopting a "no strings attached" policy, we provide the maximum freedom for the recipients to follow their creative vision, whether it is moving forward with their current activities, expanding the scope of their work, or embarking in entirely new directions. There are no restrictions on how the money can be spent, and we impose no reporting obligations.

I am starting a letter campaign soon.


Ricky Nigro said…
So where can one nominate you? If you do get it...dinner is on you...and a MacBook Pro for me (ya know, as your Senior Web Editor of course).

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