Old people will eat dog food and like it
I tend to think that the older, less educated people that voted for John McCain are just stupid and unable to see rational things and opportunities when presented to them in simple, 2nd grade English. I think that they react to fear by pulling the covers over their heads and acting like simplistic, concrete thinking grade schoolers.
The truth is more complex, as it always is.
Older baby boomers with limited education know in their guts that the money they have set aside for old age has been put in a Ponzi scheme. They know that they will need to depend of the kindness of their children and grandchildren to actually get the money they have promised themselves.
And their kids tend to think the boomers are mean selfish people who have always only be in it only for themselves. They have no intention of paying for ‘those’ old fools to have less than a minimal existence, and even if they did, they will also be paying for the mess we have left them after our scorched earth lifestyles have been toned down. With Obama, it's like they are taking the car keys away from grandpa and making him stay at home. Us old folks will be lucky if they don't just put us all in camps in far away ugly places.
And with Obama – their time is coming and it’s only a matter of time.
Acceptance is the answer old people -- just let go and allow the gentle tide that's coming wash over you, and your guilt.