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Dark Energy

"Who needs truth if truth is dull" Mason Williams

"However, to this day no one actually knows what dark energy is, or where it comes from. Professor Jose Senovilla, and his colleagues at the University of the Basque Country in Bilbao, Spain, have proposed a mind-bending alternative. They propose that there is no such thing as dark energy at all, and we’re looking at things backwards. Senovilla proposes that we have been fooled into thinking the expansion of the universe is accelerating, when in reality, time itself is slowing down. At an everyday level, the change would not be perceptible. However, it would be obvious from cosmic scale measurements tracking the course of the universe over billions of years. The change would be infinitesimally slow from a human perspective, but in terms of the vast perspective of cosmology, the study of ancient light from suns that shone billions of years ago, it could easily be measured"

Hum, that explains a lot.

My friend Ricky gets a lot of jobs that I just don’t have the perseverance or attention span to do. When confronted by impossible tasks, I tell Ricky to do them, and then sleep like a fish knowing that he will treat it like a dog with a bone – he will gnaw and chew until the marrow pops out – then eat it. If I were his age, I’d just be playing video games and watching porn.
I’ve had him hacking and doing complicated flow sheets lately, but last week I decided to dedicate his talents to the world. I asked him to tell me how quantum entanglement worked – and gave him a short deadline. He came back to me saying that, he had an idea, but no one could ever really know.

That’s the point my friend, that’s what makes us human. If there is any evidence of actual free will, it’s to be found in our ability to think of anything even if we have no way of proving it real. Actually – that’s the best part – we get to twist our thinking and come up with completely new things.

Einstein came up with something new – he conceptualized mass being nothing but energy bound up tight. Wow – simple, and never thought of before, and it changed the way others have thought for a century. It may turn out not to be true with the next really good thought – but that’s the point – it’s cool, sounds good, and makes for interesting conversation.

It may turn out that we are nothing but meat storage devices that future creatures are running real time on their Saturday night after getting stoned. We might just be the 2nd part of a dinner and a movie for gods – something they use to soften other gods up to try to get in their pants. Imagine – Tom Cruise looking up from a two dimensional Vanilla Sky at just the moment the film is getting changed – he’s very expressive, so that would be a treat.

Gravity might turn out to not be a force at all – just an absence of a force.

Dark energy may turn out to be bound up in dark matter in really tight balls of leaden glue that provides structure to the web of the Universe we hang on to.

Maybe string theory is right, but the strings are much longer and closer together and movement of bound energy through them is like walking though an endless harp? What if we are judged by the music we make as we travel through the harp in time?

Maybe it does end with me, that after I'm gone all you will see is creatures strolling casually around turning out the lights and pulling up the rugs.

Glory in it, relish the fact that we can think. It might be true that we have no free will in the ultimate, and that as a herd, it’s all predetermined – but always remember, you can do whatever the fuck you want to at any time, any place.


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